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8-week course to release stress, gain clarity and take inspired action

Leadership with Pleasure Course

enliven Breathwork Series

Your true spark of inspiration
Clarity and focus
Creativity flowing
Enjoy your creative process
Opportunities out of the blue

Say Hello To

Stress & overwhelm 
Feeling Stuck
Lost spark with your team
Lost spark with your work
Heading toward burnout


Turn-on your hunger and drive.

Reignite your fire. Access your creativity. 

count me in!

I lead with pleasure.

Repeat after me: 

  • Feel more energized and excited about your work
  • Connect to insights regularly and take inspired action steps
  • Become more magnetic and attracting of clients & collaborators
  • Have opportunities arrive at your doorstep
  • Have clarity that inspires you to focus

This virtual workshop series is for you if you desire to:

Reignite your fire. Access your creativity. Turn-on your hunger and drive.

Leadership with Pleasure: Enliven-Breathwork Series

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registration Now

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The qualities of Shakti are often described as wild, untamed, element of fire, life-force energy. While this energy is described as the female principle of divine energy, it is present in all genders and located at the base of the spine.

The Shakti-awakening breathwork practices are designed to activate this energy using breath, physical movement, and visualization to evoke this energy to travel up the spine to activate the pineal gland, which neuroscientists and yogis agree elevate one’s mood and leads to a state of body, mind, spirit coherence which can lead to clarity and insight. French Philosopher Descartes described the pineal gland as the “principal seat of the soul.”

The three steps of Shakti Breathwork practice are:
1) Write your intention or a creative project and any questions you have about it.
2) Do the breathwork technique, any of the four practices taught in this course, while invoking Shakti or life-force energy.
3) Envision fulfillment of your intention, feel elevated emotions & answers your questions or work on your creative project.

We’ll focus the practice on the area of your leadership you most wish to catalyze and invite space to articulate questions and your vision of success. Then when this Shakti life-force energy travels up your spine and stimulates your pineal gland while you’re focused on what you most desire to create, the delightful pinnacle of the practice often includes connecting to your vision with clarity, full-body arousal, and powerful insight to unlock your next level of impact and fulfillment.

‘Energy, ability, strength, effort, power, capability’ is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe.”

Shakti, as defined by Wikipedia, 

Enliven Breathwork is differentiated by it's invocation of "Shakti" or vital force.

I was reminded why I love this work!

I was reminded why I love this work

Assistant professor at a research university

D.R., PhD*

“My experience of the “Creating with Pleasure Practice” [Shakti Breathwork] reminded me why I chose this career as a Professor, because I get pleasure out of it!!

These past few years have evoked much more anxiety and stress than anything else and my teaching load has felt heavy to balance with research.

Before the breathwork, I articulated all of my questions regarding my course design, then at the peak of the practice while I was feeling elevated and full of energy, I dove all the way into the course planning and was reminded why I love this work!

* Representative stock photo

Motivation like WOW: captivating science & stories within our cohort

Support to learn the practices by heart (guided audio + PDF)

4 Shakti-breathwork classes that each teach a different technique

What You’ll Receive

Accountability partner structure to entice daily practice integration

yes please!

If you are ready to catalyze your leadership in profound and meaningful ways, come get a taste.

Upon looking around at the booming companies surrounding me in Silicon Valley, I wondered how many solutions were not being invented because of “survival” being the norm in a culture of stress and burnout. That state of being leads to an active hindbrain, enhanced stress hormones, and increased vigilance. This state of being is exhausting. The opposite of what leads to innovation.

This led to my life shift where I became devoted to unlocking the brilliance within purpose-driven leaders and teams in service to nothing less than planetary regeneration. Since the intelligence of life lives within each of us, it is possible to access this energy and insight to create inspired solutions! Side effects are a calmer nervous system, a boosted immune system, and an enhanced sense of wellbeing.

There are many practices that I’ve personally explored that have led me to an enhanced state of wellness and creativity. Out of all the practices, the one I’ve found to be the quickest with the most profound results is hands down, Shakti Breathwork. You get a lot of bang for your buck! The practices tend to be intense and in short time, release pent up tension and stress, bring about a heightened state of pleasure, heart-opening, and invite a flood of insight and clarity so that you may take inspired actions that are aligned with your purpose and vision.

These practices have been life-changing for me personally and once I added them to my 1:1 coaching client sessions and group work, wow! While the sessions were already powerful, I've had the pleasure to witness the next level of release and breakthroughs that catalyzed my client's leadership in a way that let me know: these techniques must be shared!!

As a PhD Renewable Energy scientist with a long list of published articles, fellowships, and accolades, I understand drive, motivation and true passion to make a positive impact in the world.

As a nature lover who explores deep wilderness, dances like a wild woman, goes on mind-body-spirit retreats, and is a certified Transformational Facilitator, I also understand the power of nature and in-body presence to catalyze breakthroughs that are life-changing.

I used to keep these parts of me very separate except for special, rare occasions such as wilderness massive breakthrough moments that affected my career decisions. Things changed when I hit burnout back in 2016 while I was working for a renewable energy start-up company.

This experience invited me to re-evaluate my career. While I had essentially arrived at my dream job, the culture of my industry was one of stress, pressure, and adrenaline. At the same time, I discovered Transformational Facilitation and the research on the neurobiology of peak performance that shows the importance of heart-mind coherence for increased mental acuity, active prefrontal cortex sparking innovative ideas, and improved wellness. It sparked me to implement various wellness practices and start to rewire my mode of operation to enhance my neurobiology and feel better.

Hello, I’m Dr. Carley Corrado and I’m so excited you’re here.

Meet Your Guide

Chakra Merging Practice

Navigate with intellect 
+ intuition


Lead with body intelligence

Creating with Pleasure Practice


Sensual Ocean Practice

Calm your nervous system


Grounding Redwood Practice

Ground your vision


Rei Lord

“Shakti breathwork facilitated by Carley galvanizes wisdom in magical and unexpected ways that blasts through doubt and insecurity and brings you home to your own self, full of pleasure, full of gratitude, full of life.”

What they’re saying:

You will be invited to clarify your intention and desired outcomes, then learn these techniques and integrate them into your daily practice. We invite you to something deeper than “one and done” classes. With a clear intention, an accountability element and a peak-performance formula, the emphasis of this course is upleveling your magnetism and creativity every single day and ultimately having a breakthrough that catalyzes your leadership and enjoyment of it in a profound, life-changing way.

This 8-week course is designed to catalyze your 
leadership in the area you most desire 

The Experience 

register now

This is a leadership strategy course meant to clear away stress so that you may bridge heightened states of joy and inspiration with making important decisions that are aligned with your goals, purpose and vision.

This is also a Shakti-awakening, pleasure-filled breathwork journey that will inspire the way you enjoy and move through your day.

This technique evokes ultimate balance: right & left brain, intuitive & intellectual, heart & mind, body & soul. Through this integrative approach, peak performance is a glowing state of pleasure and clarity.

What makes this course unique

Multi-Healing Modality Practitioner & Wilderness Guide 

  • Live Class Zoom Recordings (8)
  • Thursday Sessions Audio Recordings (8)
  • An audio recording of each Practice (4)
  • Instructional PDF of each Practice (4)
  • Accountability Partnership invitation (optional)
  • Accountability Partnership training 

Additional Learning Materials:

Shorter session (45min) offered weekly in addition to each class

Weekly Morning Session

20 min Q&A + shares + coaching

After class q&A

The class is live, interactive and experiential

75-minute virtual class weekly

Class video recordings + guided audios + written instructions

diverse array of learning materials

Each Module Includes:

Register now


Chakra Merging Practice

Module 4: Navigate with Intellect + Intuition


Grounding Redwood Practice

Module 3: Ground your vision 


Sensual Ocean Practice

Module 2: Calm Your Nervous System


Creating with Pleasure Practice

Module 1: Tune into body intelligence

Course Dates: TBA

Our 8-week Journey Includes:

Thursday | TBA |
8am PDT 

Tuesday | TBA | 5:30pm PST

Module 4:
radiate confidence

Module 3:
ground your vision 

Module 2:
Calm Your Nervous System

Module 1:
Tune-in to body intelligence

2/2 & 2/9
8am PDT

Tues 2/7/23 
5:30pm PDT






Creating with Pleasure Practice

Module 1: Tune Into Body Intelligence

 45 min guided practice

Morning Practice

Every Thursday

Extended Practice

1st TUESday

75 min class + Optional 15 min Shares & Q&A

Teaching + Practice 

Teachings include a 75 min + 15 min optional Shares, Q&A & Coaching. 

Teaching and Practice Schedule 

each Module

2nd TUESday

75 min guided practice + Optional Breakout Session

Tuesday | TBA | 5:30pm PST

Tuesday | TBA | 5:30pm PST

Tuesday | TBA | 5:30pm PST

Tuesday | TBA |
5:30pm PST

Tuesday | TBA |
5:30pm PST

Tuesday | TBA |
5:30pm PST

Tuesday | TBA |
5:30pm PST

Thursday | TBA |
8am PDT 

Thursday | TBA |
8am PDT 

Thursday | TBA |
8am PDT 

Tues 1/31/23
5:30pm PDT


2/16 & 2/23
8am PDT

Tues 2/21/23 
5:30pm PDT






Module 2: Calm Your Nervous System

Tues 2/14/23
5:30pm PDT


3/2 & 3/9
8am PDT

Tues 3/7/23 
5:30pm PDT






Module 3: Ground Your Vision

Tues 2/28/23
5:30pm PDT


3/16 & 3/23
8am PDT

Tues 3/21/23 
5:30pm PDT






Chakra Merging Practice

Module 4: Radiate Confidence

Tues 3/14/23
5:30pm PDT


Grounding Redwood Practice

Sensual Ocean Practice

—Psychological Secrets to Hack Your Way to Better Life Habits

“The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study on accountability and found that you have a 65% of completing a goal if you commit to someone. And if you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed, you will increase your chance of success by up to 95%.”

Research shows:

Why Accountability Partnership??!

Part of how we do that is enticing you to commit to a short, powerful daily practice and supporting you to follow-through by having an Accountability Partner.

Get ready for unexpected opportunities and
 incredible synchronicities to occur!

Amazing things happen for course participants every time I teach this course!

Marketing strategist

Jillian Smith

A recent Shakti Breathwork experience started with me feeling really tired, struggling with a lack of clarity in an area of life close to my heart, and feeling drained by my ongoing uncertainty. The shift I felt in connecting with myself, an unexpected level of clarity, and confidence felt like magic.

I’ve done other breathwork techniques but none that connect me with this level of inner guidance. Being able to access this clarity at any time, reconnect with my own life-force and uplift my spirits using this tool feels profound.

So much of these positive results are connected to the way Carley facilitates this practice in a thoughtful, supportive, and embodied way. She creates a safe space that allows for letting go and relaxing into the practice. I highly recommend her Leadership with Pleasure course.”

“I feel so energized, clear and inspired from doing this practice!...



“Shakti breathwork is an instant pass to transformational ecstasy! What an amazing experience to be led by Carley to awaken and enliven each chakra through an exhilarating breathwork practice. Carley empowers participants to experience a freedom of expression and a release of inhibitions, allowing true passion to erupt and inner wisdom to spring forth. I can’t wait until the next opportunity to awaken my inner Shakti!”

[I] experience a freedom of expression and a release of inhibitions, allowing true passion to erupt and inner wisdom to spring forth..

CEO at an international nonprofit

M.P. *

“As a leader of an organization, I was under so much stress from raising money to managing staff to delivering results. Working with Carley both through her guided breathwork practices and leadership coaching helped me open more fully to flow and ease and joy at work. The shift I've experienced through our work together feels like night and day and I couldn't be more grateful for it!"

* Representative stock photo

[I opened] more fully to flow and ease and joy at work.

Neurodiagnostic (EEG) Technician & Lab Supervisor 


“I attended one of Carley's breathwork sessions and I felt absolutely amazing after both physically and mentally!

After that event, I felt light and joyful. An old pain that I experienced for quite a while (at the base of my throat) like something sitting there and creating a heaviness that I thought I will have it forever, left my body the next day. I kept waiting for it to come back, cause I was used to having that pressure/pain, but it was gone.

It came back 3 months after a very stressful period and I realized it was stressed induced.

Then I acknowledged the cause and started working more at changing myself, breathing like I remember Carley taught me, and it was gone in no time.

Definitely, under Carley's guidance, we will liberate our bodies from old pain patterns!”

I felt light and joyful...the pressure/ pain at the base of my throat was gone.

community organizer


Before the session, I was anxious about a stressful decision and doubtful that I’d get clarity since I’d been uncertain for a long time. I’ve done breathwork before, but it never felt like this. Toward the end of the practice, I felt euphoria in my brain and bliss in my body that lasted a long time!

I got extreme clarity that led to me changing the course of something I had put into motion and realized wasn’t actually the right path. I felt a huge relief to feel clear on the situation. I’ve followed through on a different course of action and feel confident and without doubt.”

“My Shakti breathwork experience gave me clarity in the biggest
most important thing in my life right now!


Heather Wolf

“With the support of the practices Carley facilitates in our sessions, I receive intuitive guidance on a deep bodily level.

I love her Shakti breathwork and because it is so primal and freeing, and we make noise! We get into our bodies and let go, letting the body lead. It removes energetic blocks in me, I open to the possibilities, and then specific images and feelings come up. It takes me into a powerful state of truth."

It takes me to a powerful state of truth.